Environmental Considerations for the TRD301C Series

Model TRD301C Series Terminating Machine

Wire Handling eco-wires

Wire feed system using integrated pre-feeder with its' synchronized length measuring for accuracy from an accumulation that allows wire-friendly handling different type of wire insulation e.g.; eco-wires, TXL, AVS and others. This concept reduces burden on the cables and insulations giving advantage to processing eco-wires and specialty wires. In addition, the wire feed system and wire clamp mechanism were totally improved, F clamp wire diameter pneumatic self adjustable and R clamp with a high rigid reliability for stabilized positioning.

Energy conservation and noise reduction Electric power consumption was reduced by 30% (as compared to our conventional machines)

Energy conservation and noise reduction were improved by using weight reducing design for the mechanisms and by adopting the precision ball screws having less drive loss.

The easiness of the resolution to do is considered

The recycling of the material was facilitated.

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