

ShinMaywa Group will reduce the impact of future risks, prepare for threats to corporate activities through strict management of confidential and personal information, and build an effective governance system.

Governence Materiality (Key ESG Issues)

Enhancing corporate governance system

Crucial themes Key KPIs and Targets FY2023 results FY2024 target Future directions, etc.
Strengthening the supervisory function of the Board of Directors Clarify the skills and experience required of members of the Board of Directors Regular review and disclosure of skills matrix Regular review and disclosure of skills matrix

⇒ (The English version of Integrated Report will be published in November, 2024")

Ensure the systematic development and diversity of management personnel Implementing human resource development through succession planning Implementing human resource development through succession planning
Ensuring legitimacy in execution of duties Instill awareness of compliance among executives and employees ・Regularly conduct awareness-raising and awareness surveys (once a year)
・Create and distribute a compliance handbook
・Regularly conduct awareness-raising and awareness surveys (once a year)
・Update the Compliance Handbook (once a year)
Develop a control environment that includes Group companies Formulate methods for organizing the documentation of company regulations, etc., and prioritize the creation of important regulations Prioritize the development of important regulations and format major rules

Establishing and strengthening risk management systems

Crucial themes Key KPIs and Targets FY2023 results FY2024 target Future directions, etc.
Establishing and strengthening company-wide risk management systems Develop a risk management system that includes Group companies and monitor important risks Periodic reporting to the Executive Committee and Board of Directors (twice a year) Periodic reporting to the Executive Committee and Board of Directors (twice a year)
Develop business continuity plans (BCPs) for natural disasters, infectious diseases, etc. In line with the establishment of a corporate regulation system, etc., the formulation of a basic policy on business continuity management (BCM), which is a higher-level concept, was prioritized. Formulate a business continuity plan (BCP) based on the Basic Policy on Important Continuity Management and conduct training
Strengthening electronic information management systems Review wide area networks (WANs), reform security regulations, and strengthen incident responses ・CSIRT training with Head Office management (February 2024)
・Building a secure environment for using generative AI (November 2023)
・KI/SIGNATE continues
・Implementation of joint CSIRT training for business divisions
・Expanded use of generative AI
・Continued seminars
Ensuring quality and safety Understand and support the status of quality control and product safety risk information, including Group companies Continued to release the latest information and work to raise awareness Continue to release the latest information and work to raise awareness
Promoting CSR procurement Formulate CSR requirements and build systems to execute CSR procurement rationally/ effectively/continuously ・Supplier CSR survey postponed to FY2024
The supplier portal site will be piloted with 110 companies to strengthen engagement with suppliers.
Conducting supplier CSR questionnaire surveys (risk assessments) using the supplier portal site

Initiatives related to corporate governance

Establishing and strengthening risk management systems