

In April 2022, the ShinMaywa Group newly established its Basic Philosophy regarding Environmental Protection and revised its Environmental Protection Action Guidelines.
Going forward, all employees will join forces to further strengthen our commitment to the environment based on the Philosophy and Guidelines, and strive for environmentally friendly corporate activities.

Environmental Materiality (Key ESG Issues)

Preventing global warming

Crucial themes Key KPIs and Targets FY2023 results FY2024 target Future directions, etc.
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from production activities (Scope 1, 2)

Total CO2emissions from energy use*1

Reduce total CO2emissions by 38% in FY2030 (compared to FY2017)
42,720 t (FY2017 result)
 ⇒26,486 t (-16,234 t FY2030 target)

29,392t-CO2 33,979t-CO2 Although emissions are expected to increase as our business expands in the future, we will continue to strive to achieve our targets.
Providing products and services with less environmental impact Develop and sell energy-saving and low-carbon products and provide low-carbon services and businesses

⇒ (The English version of Integrated Report will be published in November, 2024")

  1. *1Aggregate figures of ShinMaywa Industries on a non-consolidated basis

Contributing to a recycling-based society

Crucial themes Key KPIs and Targets FY2023 results FY2024 target Future directions, etc.
Reducing waste

Total waste generated*1

FY2030 target: Reduce by 10% (compared to FY2020)
Total waste in FY2020 (actual): 8,111 t
FY2030 total waste (target): 7,300 t (811 t reduction)

7,222t 7,787t Although emissions are expected to increase as our business expands in the future, we will continue to strive to achieve our targets.
  1. *1Aggregate figures of ShinMaywa Industries on a non-consolidated basis

Envrionmental Initiatives