Company Information


ShinMaywa Industries celebrated its 70th anniversary of the establishment of the Company in November 2019 and the 100th anniversary of the founding of the business in February 2020.

The origins of ShinMaywa date back to 1920 and the establishment of an Aircraft Department by Kawanishi Machinery Company, our forerunner. However, the turning point in our business came when we were banned from manufacturing aircraft after the war.

Cherishing the sincere hope that "someday we will make aircraft again," we began to diversify our business for the sake of survival. With our "engineering sprit" brought into full play in businesses other than aircraft manufacturing, ShinMaywa has grown in parallel with various developments in the society, developing products that would eventually lay the foundation for our current mainstay businesses.

新明和 歴史コミック

Founding days (pre-history)

February 1920
Company History

Our company was dissolved soon after, but Seibe later founded Kawanishi Machinery Company, appointing his second son Ryozo as its top manager. In response to young engineers' ardent zeal for "another chance to manufacture aircraft," Kawanishi established an Aircraft Department within the company a few years later, setting about the independent design and manufacture of aircraft.

December 30, 1920
Products History

Completed the Kawanishi Type 1 (wooden biplane) and successfully completed its maiden flight at the Tsudanuma Kaigan Airport in Chiba Prefecture.

June 1927
Products History

Kawanishi Machinery Company has expressed their participation in the Pacific Ocean crossing flight plan. The following year, "Kawanishi Type-12Sakura" was completed as the Japan's first long-distance aircraft. However the flight plan was called off and the project was never realized.

November 1928
Company History

Being fascinated by the aircraft business, Ryozo established Kawanishi Aircraft Company by takin over the Aircraft Department business of Kawanishi Machinery Company. His new company produced a series of aircraft that have become legendary in aviation history.

February 1932
Company History

Established Sanwa Shoji (currently ShinMaywa Shoji, Ltd.).

Postwar recovery

December 1945
Company History
Aircraft manufacture banned
Despite the total ban on aircraft manufacturing, Kawanishi did not give up hope. In February of the following year, he launched a new organization in order to clarify the objectives of his converted business. Tapping into the technology and skills acquired from aircraft manufacturing, the company began manufacturing daily commodities, etc. in the hopes of alleviating the shortage of goods and foods.
November 1946
Products History

1st prototype engine for a Pointer bicycle completed. (This invention led to the development of motorbikes, which helped Kawanishi to become a pioneer of the motorcycle industry.)

September 1947
Company History

Established Maywa Komuten, Ltd.

September 1949
Products History

The 1st Dump Truck model completed. [Independent production began by utilizing parts stock at a truck repair plant for the U.S. Armed Forces (the plant started its operation in 1947).]

November 1949
Company History

Shin Meiwa Industry Company Limited (later renamed as ShinMaywa Industries, Ltd.) was established. 
Based on President Ryozo Kawanishi's guiding mottos (strenuous devotion, harmonious cooperation, service to the country through technology), the new company started up a series of successful new businesses with a focus on "wa (harmony)."

December 1950
Products History

Fuel tank production began for the U.S. Far East Air Force Procurement Department.

April 1952
Company History
Ban on aircraft manufacturing lifted
As the scope of its business expanded to include the development of social infrastructures, ShinMaywa established three key businesses of special purpose trucks, industrial machinery, and aircraft during the years of rapid economic growth.
May 1954
Products History

1st Self-priming Pump model equipped with a Pointer motorbike engine completed.

September 1954
Products History

S-51 helicopter overhauls began.

January 1955
Company History

President Ryozo Kawanishi passed away.

September 1956
Products History

1st Automatic Wire Stripping Machine completed.

Toward an affluent Japan

May 1960
Company History

Became a member of the Hitachi Group in order to build a solid business foundation with an eye on full-fledged entry into the aircraft business.

August 1962
Company History

Listed in the Second Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and the Osaka Securities Exchange. Promoted to the First Section five years later.

January 1964
Company History

Established Corporate principles motto "Clean   Sincere   Steady   Enterprising."

March 1964
Products History

"ShinMaywa Parking Tower", 1st Rotary & Vertical type Car Parking System develpoed.

June 1964
Products History

Technical alliance with a Swedish partner for the manufacture of electric submersible pumps; Production started.

April 1965
Products History

Speed Pack (refuse collector) production started.

January 1966 
Products History

Defense Agency (now Ministry of Defense) placed an official order for the first PX-S flying boat prototype. The prototype made its first flight in the following year.

August 1968
Products History

Technical alliance with an American partner for the manufacture of "Jetway" passenger boarding bridges.

March 1971
Products History

Technical alliance with a French partner for the manufacture of dumping devices  (Tentsuki Dump) .

May 1971
Company History

In order to quickly respond to customer demands while fulfilling an increasing number of orders, in 1971 ShinMaywa Engineering, Ltd. (Merged to ShinMaywa Industries, Ltd. in 2009 and inherited as Parking System Division), a specialist after-sales service provider of car parking systems, was established. In the following year, its after-sales service division for special purpose trucks was made independent to establish Kawamo Service (now ShinMaywa Auto Engineering, Ltd.).

Onto the global arena

August 1973
Products History

TOWN PACK (collector for large size refuse) developed.

Products History

First flight of the prototype of PS-1 Kai (renamed to US-1), the first Japanese amphibian, succeeded.

October 1986
Company History

Established ShinMaywa Soft Technologies, Ltd.

December 1988
Company History

Established THAI SHINMEIWA CO., LTD. (now Thai ShinMaywa Co., Ltd.) as the first overseas base in Thailand.

April 1989
Company History

Established SMIC (America), LTD. (now ShinMaywa (America), Ltd.) in the United States.

October 1990
Company History

Established SMIC (ASIA) PTE. LTD. (now ShinMaywa (Asia) Pte. Ltd.) in Singapore.

Establishing the ShinMaywa brand

April 1992
Company History

New corporate logo mark is established.

August 1992
Products History

Production of B777 "Wing-to Body Fairing" started.

April 1994
Company History

Established ShinMaywa Waste Technology, Ltd.

April 1996
Company History

Established ShinMaywa Iwakuni Aircraft Maintenance, Ltd.

June 1997
Company History

Established ShinMaywa (California), Ltd. in the United States.

November 1999
Products History

The first refuse transfer station systems overseas was completed in Jakarta, Indonesia.

April 2003
Company History

Established ShinMaywa Aqua Technology Service, Ltd.

December 2003
Products History

First flight of the prototype of US-1A Kai (renamed to US-2) succeeded.

April 2004
Company History

Established  ShinMaywa (Shanghai) Trading Co., Ltd. in China.

May 2004
Company History

Became independent from the Hitachi Group.

May 2005
Products History

First model of new Crushing and Compacting type Refuse Collectors, developed with Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd. (now  SUBARU CORPORATION), "TOWN PACK" G-PX series lauched.

October 2005
Company History

Established ShinMaywa (Bangkok) Co., Ltd. in Thailand.

November 2007
Company History

With the aim of expanding special purpose truck business, Iwafuji Industrial Co., Ltd. a major forestry machinery company, became a member of the ShinMaywa group.

August 2009
Company History

Established ShinMaywa (Shanghai) High-Tech Machinery Co., Ltd. in China.

September 2010
Company History

Established Taiwan ShinMaywa Industries Co., Ltd. in Taiwan.

April 2012
Company History

TOHO CAR CORPORATION and its subsidiary TOHO CAR SERVICE CORPORATION, and Tokyo Engineering Systems (now ShinMaywa Parking Technologies, Ltd.) were added to the group with the aim of expanding the special purpose vehicle business and parking systems business.

January 2014
Company History

ShinMaywa Auto Sales, Ltd. was established as a subsidiary of ShinMaywa Auto Engineering, Ltd.

January 2015
Company History

ShinMaywa Auto Engineering, Ltd. as a subsidiary of Daiwa Sogyo Co.,Ltd. (In April 2024, the company merged with Moriyasu industry Co.,Ltd. and changed its name to A.S.N. Inc. welcomes the group to the group.

February 2015
Company History

Established ShinMaywa Heartful, Ltd. as a special subsidiary company.

April 2018 
Company History

DIAVAC Limited was welcomed to the Group with the aim of expanding the vacuum business.

GODO SOLUTION Inc. was welcomed to the Group as a subsidiary of  ShinMaywa Soft Technologies, Ltd.

Established ShinMaywa (Chongqing) Environmental Solutions Co., Ltd.

May 2018
Company History

FLUTECH Co., Ltd. was welcome to the Group with the aim of strengthening the business foundation of the fluid business.

December 2018
Company History

KOREA VACUUM LIMITED was welcomed to the Group with the aim of expanding the vacuum business.

70th anniversary of the establishment of the Company, 100th anniversary of the founding of the business,  Pioneering a new future

November 2019
Company History

Celebrated the 70th anniversary of the establishment of ShinMaywa Industries, Ltd.

February 2020
Company History

Celebrated the 100th anniversary of the founding of the business.

March 2020
Company History

Established ShinMaywa Mexico S.A. de C.V. in Mexico.

ShinMaywa Auto Engineering, Ltd. Moriyasu industry Co.,Ltd. (to be merged with in April 2024 and renamed ASN Ltd.) to the Group as a subsidiary of . Daiwa Sogyo Co.,Ltd.

April 2020
Company History

Established the "Management philosophy". Also, we formulated the "Long-term vision," "Action guidelines," and "Code of conduct."

August 2020
Company History

BEN CHING ENGINEERING PTE. LTD. (later renamed as ShinMaywa Aerobridge Singapore Pte. Ltd. and changed the name to ShinMaywa (Asia) Pte. Ltd. ) and MKB Engineering Sdn. Bhd. (currently ShinMaywa Aerobridge Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.) were welcomed to the group with the aim of strengthening the foundation of the airport facilities business.

April 2021
Company History

Launched new tagline "VISION WITH INSIGHT".

June 2021
Company History

TurboMAX Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries, Shangdong TurboMAX Environment Technology Co., Ltd. (now Changzhou TurboMAX Environment Technology Co., Ltd.) and TurboMAX (ChangZhou) Technology Co., Ltd., are welcomed into the group.

July 2021
Company History

Tenryu Aero Component Co., Ltd. (now Wing Field Co., Ltd. ) welcomed to the Group with the aim to strengthen aircraft business base, and OSK, Ltd. and its subsidiary WAKO, Ltd. were also added to the Group to expand special purpose truck business.

November 2022
Company History

TurboMAX Co., Ltd. established a joint venture company, TurboMAX India Private Limited, in India.

July 2024 
Company History

ShinMaywa (Asia) Pte. Ltd. established a subsidiary, ShinMaywa (Asia) Vietnam Company Limited, in Vietnam.

新明和 歴史コミック