[Series] How the US-2 is made (11)

Close coverage by a professional writer
In fact, it has six jet engines!
Once the aircraft has been completely painted, the US-2 will return to the assembly factory and enter the final stage of outfitting. The highlight of this process is the installation of the engine. "US-2" is equipped with four Rolls-Royce AE2100J turboprop engines (propulsion is achieved by rotating a propeller with a jet engine). Each engine produces approximately 4,600 horsepower, which is approximately 30% more powerful than the engine in the previous model, the US-1A.
The AE2100J engine is lifted by an overhead crane, carefully aligned to the engine mount, and bolted together. Once the installation of these four engines (hereinafter referred to as main engines) is complete, the propellers will be installed next. Although the number of propeller blades in the US-2 has increased from four to six in the US-1A, the installation process remains almost the same.
By the way, did you know that the US-2 is equipped with a total of six gas turbine (jet) engines?
In fact, in addition to the main engine just introduced, it is equipped with one small gas turbine engine for the APU and BLC. The APU (Auxiliary Power Unit) has the role of supplying electric power and hydraulic pressure to the cabin when the main engine is stopped, and supplying compressed air to start the main engine. When we board a passenger plane at the airport, the APU is the reason why the cabin lights and air conditioners are on.
BLC (Boundary Layer Control) is installed only on the "US-2" among currently manufactured flying boats, and it blows compressed air created by this BLC engine from the control surfaces of the main wings and tail. This allows it to fly slower than regular aircraft. This greatly reduces the speed of take-off and landing, reducing the impact and seawater splash upon landing. Both the APU and BLC of the US-2 are mounted at the highest point of the fuselage, near the base of the wings, to prevent seawater from being inhaled.
*Outfitting: The process of installing the engine and equipment inside and outside the aircraft, or the equipment itself.

Writer Hidenori Itakura
- * The copyright of this series belongs to ShinMaywa Industries, Ltd. Please refrain from reusing the content, images, or any part thereof for other purposes without our permission.