

Basic approach

The ShinMaywa Group stipulates in its action guidelines and code of conduct that each officer and employee must comply with laws and regulations, and also act with high ethical standards and a sense of responsibility. The action guidelines and code of conduct are included in the ShinMaywa Group Philosophy book and distributed and communicated to all officers and employees, who put them to practice in their daily work to ensure thorough compliance.

Promotion Framework

We have established corporate principles, a management philosophy, code of conduct, and action guidelines as principles for all employees, including those of the Group companies, to act in accordance with laws and regulations, social norms, and common sense, and we share these with Group companies. In addition, we have designated a ShinMaywa Corporate Ethics Day and Corporate Ethics Month to promote efforts to raise compliance awareness and enable various compliance systems to take root within the organization.
In addition to the above, we have appointed an executive officer in charge of sustainability for the purpose of clarifying responsibilities related to corporate social responsibility (CSR) and expediting the execution of operations.
The Company also requires employees to execute their duties in accordance with laws and regulations, the Articles of Incorporation, and internal rules, including the Requests for Decision Rules and the Division of Duties Rules, and conducts internal audits based in the Internal Audit Dept. to verify compliance with these requirements. As well as aiming for early detection and elimination of compliance risks, the Company strives to detect problematic events widely through such means as use of its whistleblowing contact points, which our Group companies also have access to.

Whistleblowing System

We have established and are operating a Corporate Ethics Helpline, a whistleblowing contact point, for the purpose of early detection of compliance-related problems and elimination of risks through a self-cleansing process. In addition to the internal contact point, an external contact point (lawyers and helpline provider) independent of the management team has been established for whistleblowing, and officers and employees (including fixed-term employees, contract employees, temporary staff, part-timers, etc.) of the Company and Group companies may report incidents without revealing personally identifiable information.
In addition to the Corporate Ethics Helpline, we have established and operate an Employee Help Site (for consultation on employment management and evaluation systems) and a Harassment Consultation Desk as consultation and reporting contact points for specific purposes.

Employee Help Site
A contact point set up in each business division for the purpose of revitalizing the workplace. The Help Site can be consulted on the proper management of overtime work, evaluation systems, and other labor-related issues.
Harassment Consultation Desk
Contact points set up in each business division for the purpose of promoting the creation of a comfortable workplace. Consultation on various types of harassment, including power harassment and sexual harassment, is available.

Compliance Handbook

In March 2023, the Company distributed a Compliance Handbook to all officers and employees of Group companies in Japan. This Handbook discusses representative cases of particular note and provides plain explanations regarding respect for human rights, prohibition of offering bribe, etc. to government employees (anti-corruption), elimination of anti-social forces, and other compliance-related themes. The officers and employees can review this book from time to time, discuss compliance issues with colleagues and supervisors based on the cases addressed in this book, etc. In these ways, this Handbook is expected to contribute to raising of the compliance awareness among officers and employees of the Group and the development of a healthy organizational climate.

The Company plans to create translated versions of this Handbook and distribute them to overseas Group companies.

“Compliance Handbook” cover and table of contents