
Risk Management

Basic approach

With the aim of maintaining and enhancing corporate value, the ShinMaywa Group has established rules and regulations regarding risk management based on the Basic Policy on Creation of Internal Control Systems to appropriately manage various risks associated with corporate activities and to minimize damage in the event that risks materialize. In addition, the section on business and other risks in the Annual Securities Report describes risks that have been evaluated as particularly important.

Promotion Framework

With regard to risks associated with business execution, we have established the ShinMaywa Group Risk Management Regulations, and each business division and Group company proactively creates a risk management system adapted to the characteristics of its business. Meanwhile, the Head Office monitors the status of risk management at each division and Group company, while also establishing a risk management framework by implementing company-wide measures to address risks including disaster-related and financial risks.
In addition, the Sustainability Committee checks the status and activities of the ShinMaywa Group’s risk management framework based on information reported from the Head Office and business divisions, and also identifies major company-wide risks in light of their impact on business operations. The Committee reports such information regularly to the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors to ensure the effectiveness of the Group’s risk management.

Business Continuity Plan(BCP)

When large-scale natural disasters occur, business activities are greatly affected. In the event of a disaster, we will immediately set up a disaster response headquarters to protect the lives of our employees and to fulfill our mission of continuously providing products to our customers by working to quickly resume operation should production activities be interrupted, minimizing the impact on product supply based on the business continuity plan prepared by each production site.
We have also introduced a Safety Confirmation System, which allows us to centrally manage the safety of employees and their families, as well as the status of damages to facilities. For employees, each year we conduct a disaster prevention (evacuation) drill and multiple Safety Confirmation System operation drills together with Disaster Response Headquarters setup drills.
Furthermore, as a measure to prevent the spread of COVID-19, we conducted the workplace vaccination of our employees, their families, and partner company employees. In addition, as measures to reduce contact between people in workplaces, we are promoting remote work (setting targets for telecommuting rates by department), actively using web conferencing tools, promoting the use of flextime to avoid the commuter rush, and ensuring spaced seating, staggered meal times, and silent eating in cafeterias.

  • *Rules for spaced seating, staggered meal times, etc. in cafeterias were lifted on May 8, 2023.

Information Security

Based on our Code of conduct, which is grounded in our Management philosophy, we have defined our basic approach to information security and the items requiring compliance. We will continue to be a company trusted by society and all stakeholders by fostering governance and a corporate culture that enables all members of the ShinMaywa Group to recognize the importance of information security and act accordingly.

  1. 1.ShinMaywa Industries will comply with all laws, regulations, and contractual requirements related to information security.
  2. 2.ShinMaywa Industries will establish an information security management framework to ensure information security.
  3. 3.ShinMaywa Industries will establish rules, manuals, and other guidelines for information security in accordance with this Basic Policy.
  4. 4.ShinMaywa Industries will appropriately protect information systems and information assets from threats such as leakage, theft, loss, alteration, and destruction.
  5. 5.ShinMaywa Industries will provide regular information security training to those applicable as a means of raising their awareness and technical level.
  6. 6.In the event of an information security incident, ShinMaywa Industries will promptly address the incident and work toward recovery so as to minimize its impact, and also strive to prevent recurrence.
  7. 7.ShinMaywa Industries will periodically evaluate its information security measures in order to continuously improve its information security activities in response to changes in the environment and technology.
  8. 8.ShinMaywa Industries will disclose information related to information security measures in normal times and in the event of an information security incident.