Product Information

Other Trucks and Accessories

Other Trucks and Accessories

More than 200 Products Other Than Dump Trucks and Waste Trucks

Concrete Mixers

Concrete Mixer

Concrete mixers mix and agitate ready mixed concrete with their special drums, while carrying the concrete to the construction worksites.



Tanks for transporting gasoline, oil, water and other liquids.

Pneumatic Type Bulk Transporter "BULK Z" (Bulk Z — Pneumatic Bulk Transporters)

Pneumatic Type Bulk Transporter "BULK Z" ( Bulk Z — Pneumatic Bulk Transporters)

Transports special powders such as cement, calcium carbonate and lime. Discharges powders with pressurized air.

Coupler High Lifts (Coupler High Lift Trucks)

Coupler High Lift (Coupler High Lift Trucks)

Tips the whole trailer to dump the load. Excellent for transporting and dumping feed, scrap and more.

Conveyer System Equipped Transporter "SLIDE DECK"
(Slide Deck — Transportation without Dumping)

Conveyer System Equipped Transporter SLIDE DECK (Slide Deck — Transportation without Dumping)

The sliding mechanism in the floor of the bed facilitates unloading with no dumping. Applicable for indoor uses as well.

Screw Type Bulk Feeder "FARM PACK " (Farm Pack — Screw Model Bulk Feeder)

Screw Type Bulk Feeder FARM PACK (Farm Pack — Screw Model Bulk Feeder)

A vehicle for transporting animal feed designed to reduce unloading time and decrease the amount of feed left behind.

ShinMaywa Industries, Ltd.

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