Turning Waste into Cat Towers!

Turning Waste into Cat Towers!
Our Aircraft Division has been exploring the potential for creatively reusing the waste materials generated by our business activities.
We have introduced cases and prototypes in which we upcycled wood and other materials into tree houses and cat goods, and we have now created a prototype for a cat tower.
Here are the waste materials we used.
- Paper tube: This is the core component of films and sheets used in the manufacturing process for aircraft and their parts. They are made of durable paper and are in a clean state.
- Transport pallets: Wood used for shipping and receiving parts and products. They are imprinted with heat treatment stamps.
For this project, we worked with Kobe Animal Kingdom to test the product and see if cats would actually use them.
Kobe Animal Kingdom is a very popular park based on the theme of symbiosis between flora, fauna, and people, and it receives many visitors every day. The park is also involved in a variety of biodiversity initiatives, so when we asked them to help us test our prototype, they agreed to do so because they sympathized with our activities.
Video: From waste to cat tower!
When we set up the cat tower at the site, the cats came to it immediately!
They used it to their hearts’ content, climbing onto each level, sharpening their nails, grooming their fur, and so on.
They apparently used it every day during the test period, and we were happy to hear that they took a liking to it.
To this day, the cat tower is still being used at the “Dog Touch/Cat Touch” section of the Kobe Animal Kingdom.
Be sure to check it out if you happen to visit the park!
We thank Kobe Animal Kingdom for its cooperation.
October 20 is Recycling Day!
We would like to use this day as an opportunity to think about how we can reuse even the everyday objects around us.