[Series] How the US-2 is made (12)

Close coverage by a professional writer

This is the external outfitting of the aircraft. Attach moving blades, wheels, etc.

After the "US-2" was fully painted, moving parts such as moving wings and gears (landing gear) were attached to the surface of the fuselage. We are now approaching the final stage of outfitting.

aircraft are propelled by the power of the engine, and the wings generate lift, which is then transferred to aileron (controls the tilt), elevator (controls the vertical angle of the nose), and rudder (controls the left and right swing of the nose). It flies by controlling it with moving wings. Flaps and slats are also used to increase lift at low speeds when taking off and landing on water, and gears are also used when taking off and landing on a runway or passing through slips.

At the final stage of outfitting, we will install these very important parts. There are many large and heavy parts, and there are hydraulic piping near the bolts used for installation, so be careful when installing to avoid accidental contact and damage. Large floats, as well as small antennas and discharge cables (devices that discharge static electricity during flight and remove electromagnetic interference such as radio noise), etc., are installed after painting in order to efficiently paint the entire aircraft. Can be installed in stages.

Some of these parts are made by partner companies, but others are shipped to the Konan factory in a pre-painted state to be installed after the aircraft has been completely painted. Even if you look at this one thing, you can see that there is a very detailed assembly procedure, and the aircraft is shaped according to the specifications and schedule.

*Outfitting: The process of installing the engine and equipment inside and outside the aircraft, or the equipment itself.

艤装の最終段階で取り付ける部品たち。協力会社でつくられたものもあり、後ろの箱の中にも部品が入っています。(1) Parts installed at the final stage of outfitting. Some of them were made by partner companies, and the boxes at the back also contain parts.
艇底前部の「溝型波消し装置」の板。強烈な水圧がかかる部分ですのでチタン合金製です。(2) The plate of the "groove type wave canceling device" at the front of the bottom of the boat. It is made of titanium alloy as it is a part that is subject to intense water pressure.
機首のレドーム(レーダードーム)。線が数本見えるのは、雷から機体と電子機器を保護するライトニングアレスタ(被雷索)です(3) This is a radome on the nose. The lines you can see are lightning arresters that protect the aircraft and electronic equipment from lightning.
フロート(浮舟)です。従来はアルミ製でしたが、「US-2」では複合材になり軽くなりました。(4) These are floats of US-2. Previously, it was made of aluminum, but for US-2 these are made of composite material, making it lighter.
ノーズギア(前輪)のカバーは複合材製。問題なく開閉するよう、仮留めして微調整します(作業員は帽子内に頭部保護具を装着しています)。(5) The cover of the nose gear (front wheel) is made of composite material. Temporarily fasten and make minor adjustments so that it opens and closes without problems (workers wear head protection inside their hats).
離着水(離着陸)時に主翼前縁から前方にスライドして揚力をアップする「スラット」の機構部を取り付けています(6) A slat mechanism is installed that slides forward from the leading edge of the main wing to increase lift during takeoff and landing.
飛行中に静電気を放電し、無線のノイズなど電磁波障害を取り除く放電索。こうした小さな部品も取り付けていきます(7) A discharge cable that discharges static electricity during flight and eliminates electromagnetic interference such as radio noise. We will also install these small parts.
ギアとギアカバー、波消し装置のカバー、フロート、スラット、エルロン、フラップ、ラダーといった部品が取り付けられ、いよいよ完成が間近になりました。(8) Gears and gear covers, wave canceling device covers, floats, slats, ailerons, flaps, rudders, and other parts have been installed, and the project is nearing completion.

Writer Hidenori Itakura


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