ESG activity report


Social Materiality (Key ESG Issues)

Promoting diversity and inclusion & Establishing comfortable workplace environments

Crucial themes Key KPIs and Targets 2023年度実績 2024年度目標 Future directions, etc.
  • Nurturing an organizational culture that respects and supports diversity (heterogeneity)
    Build systems, raise awareness, improve environment
  • Acquiring diversity inherent in individuals
    Engage in human resources training, human resources development, and recruitment of diverse human resources
  • Creating opportunities for individuals to make use of their diversity and “Will”
    Improve business competitiveness (strengthen management foundations) and integrate with long-term business strategies
Number of female managers
FY2023 target: 30 (2%)
FY2030 target: 60 (3%)
(%: number of female managers/total number of managers)※2
34名(2%) 2030年度目標の達成に向けて取り組みを継続いたします。 2030年度目標:60人(3%)
Number of women in assistant manager position or above
FY2023 target: 100 (4%)
FY2030 target: 230 (6%)
(%: number of women in assistant manager position or above/total number of people in assistant manager position or above)※2
107名(4%) 2030年度目標の達成に向けて取り組みを継続いたします。 20230年度目標:230人(6%)
Proportion of non-Japanese managers
FY2023 target: 10% or more
FY2030 target: 10% or more
(%: number of non-Japanese managers/total number of managers)※2
10% 10% or more 10%以上を維持してまいります。
Proportion of managers who are mid-career hires
FY2023 target: 28% or more
FY2030 target: 28% or more
(%: of managers hired mid-career/total number of managers*)※2
31% 28% or more 28%以上を維持してまいります。
Human capital investment amount (investment per person)
Work to maintain/expand on FY2022 levels
331,000円(1人当たり投資額) We are working to maintain/expand on FY2022 levels.
DX human resources portfolio (per 100 FY2022 internal employees)
2026年度目標:2022年度の180% 2030年度目標:2022年度の240%
2026年度目標:2022年度の150% 2030年度目標:2022年度の200%
Defined targets for FY2026 and FY2030 based on results for FY2022 主要なKPIおよび目標の達成に向け、取り組みを継続中であります。 ・重点ケイパビリティ
Engagement survey score
・Highly positive responses
FY2026 target: 15 points
FY2030 target: 30 points
・Positive responses
FY2026 target: 70 points
FY2030 target: 80 points
・Highly positive responses
11 points
・Positive responses
61 points
主要なKPIおよび目標の達成に向け、取り組みを継続中であります。 ・ベスト回答
主要なKPIおよび目標の達成に向け、取り組みを継続中であります。 ・ベスト回答
Conduct employee survey (issue identification) 2024年7月に第2回従業員サーベイを実施 引き続き定期的に従業員サーベイを実施し、従業員エンゲージメント向上に資するモニタリングを進めてまいります。
Implement human rights due diligence based on Human Rights Policy プロセス明確化等に向けた取り組みならびに人権に関する啓蒙の継続実施 人権尊重の継続的な推進に向けた体制整備ならびに確実な運用に向けた取り組み 引き続き人権尊重に対する責任を果たすべく適切に対処してまいります。
Acquire certification as a Health & Productivity Management Organization 2024年3月に認証取得 2025年3月に認証取得 引き続き評価レベルの向上を目指してまいります。
Acquire national “Eruboshi” certification 各評価項目の現況確認ならびに数値良化に向けたアプローチを実施 評価項目別目標達成に向けたアプローチを継続 引き続き人材の多様性を生かす組織風土づくりを推進してまいります。
  1. *2Figures for the Group as a whole

Basic Policy on Human Resources

Diversity & inclusion: Utilizing diverse human resources

The three pillars of ShinMaywa Group Basic Policy on Human Resources

The ShinMaywa Group has established a Basic Policy on Human Resources consisting of three key themes to realize our Management philosophy.
On the basis of the theme of fostering awareness—to accept and respect diverse values, perspectives, and personalities, as well as to appreciate teamwork—we will pursue the theme of developing human resources. This will be achieved through efforts on the theme of respecting human rights and establishing internal environments, which will enable diverse human resources to play active roles. We aim to develop a relationship that allows individuals and the Company to grow sustainably and continuously by maximizing the application of abilities and specializations gained through obtaining diversity within each individual.



Social Initiatives