[Product History] Industrial Machinery Systems Division’s Automatic Wire Processors

We will now introduce the history of one of the Industrial Machinery Systems Division's primary products, the automatic wire processor. (The picture above is the first automatic wire processor.)

What are automatic wire processors?
Automobiles and electrical appliances are lined with various electric wires, which are called wire harnesses when bundled together to form a component. These are an essential part of automobiles and electrical appliances, comparable to nerves or blood vessels.
Automatic wire processors are devices that automatically perform a number of processes in the wire harness production process, such as cutting wires, stripping wire insulation, and crimping terminals. Our products have a good reputation with our customers for their ability to perform precise machining operations at high speeds.

The Beginning:
Developing the wire stripper, which automatically strips wire insulation
In the 1950s, at the request of a major electrical appliance manufacturer, we developed the “wire stripper,” Japan’s first automatic wire processor.

Afterwards, in response to increased production of home appliances and automobiles, we improved the equipment to automatically perform terminal crimping on wires of a variety of lengths. It eventually grew to become one of the core products of our industrial machinery systems business. 

We have been actively expanding overseas since the 1990s, and we boast a high market share in North America and Southeast Asia. At present, besides our production activities in China, we are aiming to enter the European market as well.

Automatic wire processor assembly process
(at that time)

Automatic wire processor assembly process (at that time)

最新の自動電線処理機(TRD701)The latest automatic wire terminating machine (TRD701)

If you wish to learn more, we have a video that chronicles our history. Please give it a watch!

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