Radio CM contest sponsored by Kiss FM KOBE results announcement

The "Are You Doing ShinMaywa?" Edition was decided.

October 31, 2023

ShinMaywa Industries, Ltd. (Head Office: Takarazuka City, Hyogo Prefecture, President: Tatsuyuki Isogawa), and 14 other companies participated in the 3rd Radio CM Contest sponsored by Kiss FM KOBE, a radio station in Hyogo Prefecture. Our company's commercial, "Are you doing ShinMaywa? was selected as the winner of the third annual radio commercial contest sponsored by Kiss FM KOBE, a radio station in Hyogo Prefecture.

Below, we will introduce the award-winning work "Are You Doing ShinMaywa?''.

“ShinMaywa?” edition
Written by: Kazuya Wakikawa

Teacher: Mr. Tanaka, thank you for carrying my luggage.

Male student: Tanaka 's guy is doing ShinMaywa.

Female student: What do you mean?

Male student: When someone performs in a prominent place, they call it "doing ShinMaywa''.

Narration: We support your lives behind the scenes. ShinMaywa Industries.

The contest will be judged by professional copywriters who will select the best works from each participating company, from which the "Grand Prix" and "Semi-Grand Prix" will be selected.
The "Are You Doing ShinMaywa?'' edition unfortunately missed out on the Grand Prix, but was awarded the "Sponsor Award.''

Judge: Mr. Taizo Hirose,CM Planner/Copywriter Kansai Branch DENTSU INC. 

Creating new and unfamiliar words for radio commercials is very effective.
However, it might have been even more convincing if the situation had been made into a soccer commentary scene, and doing ShinMaywa was currently playing Tanaka.
It was such a good point that I wanted to say things like...

When recruiting, our company wanted as many people as possible to know about the existence of ShinMaywa, which handles various businesses that are not often seen in daily life but are essential to daily life. In this contest, we posed the challenge of "Create a copy that can promote the fact that there are many ShinMaywa products that blend into our daily lives and support our lives behind the scenes.''

Mr. Kazuya Wakikawa, the author of the work selected this time, brilliantly responded to this difficult task by personifying our company as "Mr. Tanaka'' and using the verb "doing ShinMaywa'' to describe his active role in an inconspicuous place. Please summarize it in the expressions you used.

The production of our company's radio commercial "Are You Doing ShinMaywa?" edition, which was produced based on this copy, uses the everyday scenery of a fictitious high school in the Kansai region as the stage, in reference to our Head Office 's headquarters being in Hyogo Prefecture. , depicts a scene in which a student, "Mr. Tanaka", secretly helps his teacher, and his classmates notice and appreciate his appreciation.

This radio commercial will be broadcast on Kiss FM KOBE for a certain period of time.

The sound source of this radio commercial is available on the Kiss FM KOBE 3rd Radio CM Contest special website "Results Announcement Page".

Contact Information Regarding this Matter

ShinMaywa Industries, Ltd. Public Relations Department Corporate Planning Headquarters

1-1 Shinmeiwa-cho, Takarazuka, Hyogo, 665-8550, Japan


The information published in this content is current as of the date of publication.
Please note that this information may differ from the latest information due to changes in our group's the business strategies and organization.