Business Results

Business Overview

Fiscal Year FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Closing Month Fiscal year ending March 2019 Fiscal year ending March 2020 Fiscal year ending March 2021 Fiscal year ending March 2022 Fiscal year ending March 2023
Net Sales (million yen) 217,297 227,231 209,226 216,823 225,175
Ordinary Profit (million yen) 10,437 12,375 11,182 11,821 9,902
Profit attributable to owners of parent 
(million yen)
6,996 7,378 5,487 6,907 7,313
Net Assets (million yen) 83,043 83,680 88,838 94,261 100,439
Gross Assets (million yen) 209,195 214,157 212,060 221,206 226,907
Net Assets per Share (yen) 1,263.12 1,261.64 1,337.69 1,404.53 1,498.16
Net Profit per Share (yen) 76.41 113.11 83.47 104.96 111.00
Capital Adequacy Ratio (%) 39.4 38.7 41.5 41.8 43.5
Rate of Return on Equity Capital (%) 6.8 8.9 6.4 7.7 7.6
Price Earnings Ratio (multiple) 18.01 9.95 12.24 8.62 10.63
Cash Flow from Operating Activities
(million yen)
13,452 8,509 18,120 15,998 6,404
Cash Flow from Investment Activities 
(million yen)
-9,693 -12,408 -9,133 -7,221 -7,164
Cash Flow from Finance Activities 
(million yen)
-526 1,419 -5,972 -5,203 -4,108
Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of the Year 
(million yen)
21,952 19,342 22,667 26,549 22,535
Number of Employees 5,037 5,075 5,288 5,783 5,932
  • * Amounts shown are rounded down to the nearest million yen and rounded for ratio.
Related Information

You can view more detailed financial data in the "Fact Sheet".