
Occupational Health and Safety

Basic principles of occupational health and safety

The ShinMaywa  Group acts in accordance with its basic principles of occupational health and safety, which state that safety and health take precedence over everything else. We are working to build a safe working environment and to achieve zero accidents.

Occupational Health and Safety Policy

  • We act in accordance with our basic principles of occupational health and safety, which state that safety and health take precedence over everything else. Led by our general safety and health managers, we are engaged in Company-wide efforts to address health and safety.
  • We monitor each other’s compliance with basic rules (rules, regulations, procedures, etc.) and communicate closely so that we can ensure each other’s safety.
  • Managers and supervisors are strongly determined to prevent accidents from occurring in their own workplace, and are striving to foster a work environment in which all employees are united in their efforts in health and safety activities.
  • We use risk assessment effectively to eliminate disaster risk. We actively utilize the PDCA (plan, do, check, act) cycle of our safety measures with the goal of creating a safe and secure working environment
  • To prevent accidents caused by people’s unsafe behavior, we make improvements to achieve inherent safety. This is so that even if a worker makes an error, it does not lead to an accident.
  • Each worker is deeply aware that unsafe work behavior causes accidents, and is committed to daily work with a determination to never act unsafely.

Health and safety action guidelines (Company-wide key safety themes)

Each fiscal year, we define a Company-wide key safety theme, and set ourselves a goal as a means of preventing industrial accidents among our employees. We are joining forces to engage in health and safety activities to create a safe and secure working environment.

Company-wide key safety theme for FY2023

“Let’s foster a culture of safety through reporting, fairness, flexibility, and learning!”

Number of occupational accidents

Trends in the number of occupational accidents (number of cases) *2

Frequency rate of lost time injury

Trends in frequency rate of lost time injury (%) *1

*1: Non-consolidated figures; *2: Figures for the Group as a whole

Specific initiatives in occupational health and safety

The ShinMaywa Group has appointed persons in charge of health and safety in each division and at each Group company, with the aim of preventing occupational accidents among employees. We have formulated health and safety policies and prepared action plans based on these policies. We are working to improve safety measures in both tangible and intangible ways, with the Health and Safety Committee serving as a central body to establish, operate, and improve risk assessment systems and at the same time utilize IT and digital technologies to prevent accidents.
In addition, we are also focusing on health and safety training for employees. Through various measures, we are working to establish a training system that is tailored to each organization and business contents. For example, we hold safety conferences to share the results of health and safety activities in each business division and at each Group company, provide special training to new employees and to those changing workplaces, and offer thorough guidance through on-site training and safety and health patrols during on-the-job training.