

ShinMaywa Group will reduce the impact of future risks, prepare for threats to corporate activities through strict management of confidential and personal information, and build an effective governance system.

Governence Materiality (Key ESG Issues)

Enhancing corporate governance system

Crucial themes Key KPIs and Targets FY2022 results FY2023 targets Future directions, etc.
Strengthening the supervisory function of the Board of Directors Clarify the skills and experience required of members of the Board of Directors Began operation of the skills matrix

⇒Skills matrix for Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board members (pp.38)

Ensure the systematic development and diversity of management personnel Began operation of the succession plan
Ensuring legitimacy in execution of duties Instill awareness of compliance among executives and employees Regular implementation of awareness-raising activities and awareness surveys (once a year) Regular implementation of awareness-raising activities and awareness surveys (once a year)
Develop a control environment that includes Group companies Establishment of a set of corporate regulations that also apply to Group companies Establishment of a set of corporate regulations that also apply to Group companies

Establishing and strengthening risk management systems

Crucial themes Key KPIs and Targets FY2022 results FY2023 targets Future directions, etc.
Establishing and strengthening company-wide risk management systems Develop a risk management system that includes Group companies and monitor important risks Periodic reporting to the Executive Committee and Board of Directors (twice a year) Periodic reporting to the Executive Committee and Board of Directors (twice a year)
Develop business continuity plans (BCPs) for natural disasters, infectious diseases, etc. Training and review based on the results of implementation (once a year) Training and review based on the results of implementation (once a year)
Strengthening electronic information management systems Review wide area networks (WANs), reform security regulations, and strengthen incident responses Created networks at major bases to achieve secure, stable connections to the external environment Establish an incident-response framework, help response training take root on a company-wide basis,
and take quick action on generative AI and other new technologies
Ensuring quality and safety Understand and support the status of quality control and product safety risk information, including Group companies Continued to release the latest information and work to raise awareness Continue to release the latest information and work to raise awareness
Promoting CSR procurement Formulate CSR requirements and build systems to execute CSR procurement rationally/ effectively/continuously ・At policy briefings, etc., raised awareness of guidelines issued for 291 major business partners
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・Provided educational programs on CSR/sustainable procurement for 108 persons in charge of procurement
Conducted a supplier CSR survey via the portal site (in development) for suppliers
(Survey scope: 100 major companies)

Initiatives related to corporate governance

Establishing and strengthening risk management systems