Terms of Use
This website is managed by ShinMaywa Industries, Ltd., and its group affiliates (hereafter collectively called "ShinMaywa"). By accessing or browsing this website, users of this website (hereafter called "the users") are regarded as having accepted the following conditions. Please read these terms and conditions of use carefully before accessing and browsing this website.
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2. Disclaimers of Warranties
- 1.ShinMaywa has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that the information on this site is accurate. However, ShinMaywa makes no representation and warranty with respect to accuracy and/or safety. ShinMaywa shall not be liable for any loss, damage, problems, or any other possibilities arising out of your use or access to the website.
- 2.ShinMaywa may suspend or discontinue the services provided through this website at any time without any prior notice. ShinMaywa shall not be liable for any loss, damage, or problems arising out of suspension or discontinuation. Please be advised that you always check the most update information.
- 3.Third parties' websites linked to or from this website are independently operated and maintained by such third parties and are not under the control and/or supervision of ShinMaywa. ShinMaywa is not responsible for the contents of the third parties' website.
3. Conditions for Establishing Links
- 1.If you wish to link to our website, please contact us.
We will reply only in case of approving your request. If we do not grant permission, please refrain from linking to our website. - 2.If you wish to link to our website, especially to our company, please link to the top page. Please also indicate that it is a link to ShinMaywa Industries, Ltd.
- 3.If you wish to link to our products and services, please link to the page introducing such products and services. Please also indicate the website name of "ShinMaywa Industries, Ltd." and clearly state that it is a link to the page introducing individual products and services.
We do not accept links from such websites as listed below:
- A website including content that detracts from ShinMaywa's employees or intends to undermine confidence in the company.
- A website including content that is offensive to public order and morals.
- A website including content that is or may be illegal.
- A link to ShinMaywa's website is placed in a frame or displayed in any other manner that makes ShinMaywa's ownership of the contents unclear.
4. Copyright
All materials on this website are protected by copyright laws. Except for the use allowed by the law, you are prohibited from using, copying, or altering any of the materials without obtaining ShinMaywa's prior consent.
5. Trademarks
The rights regarding the trademark, logo mark, and trade name on this website belong to ShinMaywa or other holders. Use of these without obtaining ShinMaywa's prior consent is prohibited by trademark law, except for the cases allowed by law. Please contact us and obtain prior consent from ShinMaywa before using them.
6. Privacy Policy
ShinMaywa makes the utmost efforts to manage the personal information of users and customers who contact us through this website in accordance with its Privacy Policy and to protect it from risks such as unauthorized access. For the protection of privacy, your personal data provided via entry form is encrypted and transmitted safely via an SSL (Secure Socket Layer) server.
- Privacy Policy and Notice on the Processing of Personal Data[PDF:630KB]
- Privacy Policy and Notice on the Processing of Personal Data Concerning Job Applicants and Candidates[PDF:789KB]
- นโยบายความเป็นส่วนตัวและเอกสารแจ้งข้อมูลการประมวลผลข้อมูลส่วนบุคคล[PDF:221KB]
- นโยบายความเป็นส่วนตัวและเอกสารแจ้งข้อมูลการประมวลผลข้อมูลส่วนบุคคลเกี่ยวกับ “ผู้สมัครงาน”[PDF:199KB]
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This website may use "cookies" in order to enhance the convenience of the website and provide better services to its users. "Cookies" can identify the computers of individuals who visit this website but cannot identify personal information. No third party can access ShinMaywa's cookies.
You may set your browser to refuse cookies or to issue an alarm when accepting new cookies. If you do so, however, certain services on this website may be unavailable.
8. Proposal and Offer
ShinMaywa has no obligation to answer or study the ideas and proposals sent to the E-mail address or the inquiry form on this website. ShinMaywa has no obligation to treat the ideas and concepts as confidential information or to evaluate or adopt them. Even if ShinMaywa happens to adopt any idea identical or similar in whole or in part to such ideas, ShinMaywa has no responsibility and shall not be liable for any compensation.