Energy Saving Proposal by Replacing Roots Blowers

Replacing to a Roots Bower can greatly reduce air consumption by the compressor during air blowing processes (water removal, drying, dust removal).

* You can expand the figure below with your fingers.

Replacing a compressor with a Roots Blower for air blowing

Illustration: Energy Saving Proposal by Switching to Roots Blowers

Compressors vs. Roots Blowers for blow-off

Compressor Roots Blower
Blow distance 100mm 100mm
Pressure just before nozzle 250kPa 22kPa
Internal diameter of nozzle φ3 φ9.5
Air speed on work surface 102m/s 102m/s
Airflow 2.67m3/min 7.18m3/min
Shaft power 15.3kW 5.9kW
Annual electricity charge 367,200yen 141,600yen

1. The air blowing speed on the work surface is a value calculated by ShinMaywa that has been corrected using an empirical formula.
2. The air blowing speed on the work surface was adjusted to at least 100 m/s.

Comparative Example of Pressure just before nozzle

When the air blowing speed on the work surface is set to at least 100 m/s, the compressor requires a pressure just before nozzle of 250 kPa, while the Roots Blower needs only 22 kPa.
The large volume of air in the medium pressure range ensures that the surface windspeed of the workpiece maintains low pressure.
This indicates that switching to a Roots Blower can reduce pressure and save energy.

Illustration: Nozzle for roots blower (φ9.5) and Nozzle for air blowing (φ3) Nozzle for Roots Blower
Nozzle for compressor

Comparative Example of Annual Energy Savings

Using a Roots Blower for blow-off can deliver outstanding energy savings, reducing annual electricity costs by 225,600 yen (compared to a compressor).
Annual running costs can be reduced by approximately 60%.

Comparison of Electricity Charge

Electricity Charge 60% SAVING Comparison of Electric Charge: Electric Charge 60% SAVING Compressor 367,200yen Roots Blower 141,600yen

Please contact our sales department for further details on Roots Blowers.